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About us

ABIS is a Special Interest Group of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.) within the sections Artificial Intelligence (FBKI) and Human Computer Interaction (MCI). The abbreviation ABIS stands for “Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen”, which is German for “Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Software Systems”.

Our main activity is the organization of annual workshops dedicated to adaptive systems. More generally, we aim to promote this application area within Germany and abroad. We have a mailing list, which you are welcome to join. Via the mailing list we inform you about relevant conferences, other events and job vacancies.

User adaptivity in software systems has gained significant attention both in industry and in research. Software companies increasingly develop system components that provide personalized support to their users. In order to provide personalization, it is essential to create models of the users, their preferences and their interactions with the systems. What types of personalization are applied, is highly domain-specific. The main foundations of adaptive systems come from the joint fields of human-computer interaction, user modeling and machine learning.

ABIS provides an interdisciplinary discussion platform for the exchange of experiences and the promotion of cooperation between researchers and practicians. Our goal is to foster progress in the field of adaptive systems.